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Significance of Carbohydrates
y As an energy Source
The main source to obtain energy for the activities of organisms is the
 carbohydrate. The Monosaccharides (Glucose) produced due to hydrolysis
 of those compounds release energy.
y As a storage compound
y As a structural component in plant cell wall
y As a constituent of Nucleic acid
Tests to identify Carbohydrates
The below mentioned tests can be conducted to test Starch, Monosaccharides
and Disaccharides which are some of the identified Carbohydrates in foods.
Starch test
y Small amount of food is obtained and grind well with water.
y A drop of Iodine solution is added to the above solution.
 Purplish blue color appears
Test for Glucose
y A solution of Glucose is obtained into a test tube.
y Few drops of Benedict solution to the above solution is added.
y The above solution is immersed in a water bath and heated.
y Can observe color changes as below.
Blue Green Green yellow Orange Brick red precipitate
Test for (Sucrose)
y A sucrose solution is obtained into a test tube.
y Few drops of Benedict solution is added to it.
y The test tube is immersed in a water bath and heated.
No color change.
y Few drops of diluted Sulphur acid (H2
) is added to a freshly
prepared sugar solution and heated.
y Next few drops of Benedict solution is added to it.
y Can observe color changes as below.
Blue Green Green yellow Orange Brick red precipitate
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1.2 Proteins
Protein is an essential constituent in all living cells. Carbon(C) Hydrogen (H),
Oxygen (O) and Nitrogen (N) are always present in proteins. Sometimes Sulphur
can also be present.
17% of the mature human body is composed of proteins. Protein is a complex
molecule made up of polymerized amino acid molecules. Meat, fish, egg white
cereals are some of the foods rich with proteins.
For extra knowledge
y Amino acids
Below is the structure of a typical amino acid molecule.
whisked ld. av C ldfndlais,a lava
NH2 COOH Carboxyl
R-represents a group containing both Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H). Due to the
change in R group, 20 different amino acids are present. All proteins present in
organisms from bacteria to human are made up of these 20 different amino acids
combined in different sequences.
The simplest Amino acid is Glycine. Here Hydrogen (H) is present as the
R group.
Some amino acids cannot be synthesized within the body. So they have to be
taken from outside with food. Therefore, they are known as essential amino
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For extra knowledge
• Significance of Proteins
y As an energy source
When energy supply from Lipids and Carbohydrates is not sufficient
protein is used in energy generation.
y To make structural components
Proteins are important components in making cell membrane. Hairs and
feathers also contain keratin protein.
y As enzymes
All the bio-chemical reactions take place in organisms are catalyzed by
enzymes. The enzymes are proteins.
y As hormones
Some hormones are proteins which involve in homeostasis and coordination
of organisms.
y As antibodies
The antibodies that are produced in the body to protect the body against
microorganisms that enter into the body are proteins.
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Test to identify proteins
 Burette test
Œ A solution made by grinding dhal or an egg yolk is obtained into a test tube.
Œ An extra amount of Sodium hydroxide (Nao) and then few
drops of Copper Soleplate is added in to it.(CuSO4
Solution turn to purple color
■ Enzymes
The special proteins (organic catalysts) that are produced within the organism to
increase the rate of bio-chemical reactions are known as enzymes.
For example to convert Sucrose into Glucose, Sucrose has to be heated with a dilute
acid. But the enzymes present in the digestive system do the same reaction at a low
Therefore the activity of enzyme is to catalyze the bio-chemical reactions.
Activity of Amylase on Starch
Materials required
y Flour, Amylase, Test tube, white porcelain tile, Iodine solution
y Put 2ml of Starch solution into a test tube.
y Add 2ml of Amylase (Filter a solution of ground germinating green gram
(Mung) seedlings) into it and mix well.
y Get a drop from the solution after 2 minutes and place it on a white
porcelain tile and add a drop of Iodine onto the drop of mixture.
y Continue same procedure for about 20 minutes in 2 minute intervals.
Activity - 01
The blue color of the drop obtained from the mixture gradually reduces with
time and finally obtains the color of Iodine (yellow /brown color)
Starch gives black blue color with Iodine but it does not give color change
with Iodine after 20 minutes as there is no Starch there. That is because Starch is
converted to Maltose by Amylase enzyme.
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1'3 Lipids
Fats and oils belong to this group. Lipids which are solid at room temperature are
called fats and liquids are called oils.
Similar to carbohydrates, fats also contain Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen as
constituent elements. But the ratio of Hydrogen to Oxygen in fats are very much
higher than carbohydrates. Lipids are insoluble in polar solvents including water.
They are soluble in organic solvents.
Ground nut, coconut, gingelly, butter and margarine are examples for foods which
contain lipids.
Fatty acids and glycerol react to form Lipids.
Fatty acids ¬ Glycerol Lipids ¬ Water
• Significance of Lipids
y As an energy source
Lipids act as an energy source as carbohydrates and proteins. More energy
is produced during burning of lipids.
y To form different structural components
Lipid is one of the most important compounds in cell membrane.
(Specially phosphor lipids and cholesterol)
y For conservation of water
The wax known as cutting present on the surface of the plant body conserve
water. Most animals' body covering also contains wax which helps to avoid
desiccation as it is impermeable to water.
y To maintain the body temperature
Warm blooded animals such as birds and mammals possess a hypodermal
fat layer which acts as a thermal insulator. It helps to maintain their body
y To protect internal body organs
The fat layer surrounds the organs and structures in the body and absorbs
external shocks. Thereby provides protection.
y To synthesize some hormones
Some Hormones of vertebrates (Estrogen, Testosterone, Cortisone) are
lipid compounds.
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Test to identify lipids
Sudan III test
• Some amount of gingelly oil or coconut oil is added into a test tube.
y Sudan III reagent is added into it.
Appearance of red fat globules
For extra knowledge
Fatty acids can be divided into two groups as follows.
 fatty acids
saturated fatty acids unsaturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids
Fatty acids which contain only single bonds within Carbon atoms are
called saturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids exist in room temperature
as solids or semi-solids.
Unsaturated fatty acids
Fatty acids which contain one or several double bonds within Carbon
atoms are called unsaturated fatty acids.
Unsaturated fatty acids exist in room temperature as liquids.
1'4 Nucleic Acids
Nucleic acid is the most important molecule out of the main bio molecules in
living matter in genetical aspect. It is a linear polymer made up of large number of
nucleotides. It contains Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N)
and Phosphorous (P).
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For knowledge
Each nucleotide is made up of 3 components. They are ;
1. Nitrogenous base
2. Pentose sugar group
3. Phosphate group
Figure 1.3 - A nucleotide
Pentose Sugar group
The structural unit of DNA is Deoxy rib Nucleotide. DNA transfers genetic
characteristics from generation to generation
Except DNA, the other nucleic acid present
Figure 1.4- The structure of
a DNA molecule
in organisms is RNA.
The structural unit of RNA is
Protein synthesis is the function of RNA.
• Significance of Nucleic acidic
y Important in storage of genetic information of organisms.
y Important in transferring genetic information from generation to generation.
y Important in protein synthesis process.
y Important in controlling all cellular activities in a cell. The information to
control cellular activities is present in DNA.
y RNA is important in storing genetic information of some viruses.
y The variations occur in DNA due to mutations are important in evolution.
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The above bio molecules contain mainly Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H),Oxygen (O)
and Nitrogen (N). We will conduct below mentioned activities to confirm the
presence of those elements.
Activity - 02
Identification of water as a constituent in food
Materials required
Meat, Egg shell, Plant leaves, Crucible
y Grind /crush meat, egg shell, and leaves separately.
y Put them separately into the crucible and heat them.
y During heating, hold a glass sheet above the crucible.
y Use Anhydrous Cobalt Chloride / Copper Soleplate to identify
whether the liquid drops on the glass is water.
Blue colored Anhydrous Cobalt Chloride turn to pink and white colored
Anhydrous Copper Soleplate turn to blue. Then it is confirmed that water is formed
on the glass sheet. Therefore the food that is used for the experiment contains water
as a constituent.
Activity - 03
Identification of presence of Carbon(C) in bio-molecules
Materials required
y Several crucibles, Spinach Stems, Piece of fish, Chick pea
y Make pulps by crushing all above materials separately.
y Put them separately into crucibles and heat well.
y The final residue obtained should be rubbed against a white paper.
Lines drawn due to coal is observed.
Can confirm the food that is used for the experiment contains Carbon (C).
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Activity - 1'4
Identification of presence of Nitrogen(N) in bio-molecules
Materials Required
Two test tubes, solution of Sodium Hydroxide, solution of Copper
Soleplate, egg white, piece of fish.
y Crush fish thoroughly, add water and mix well. Filter the solution.
y Put 2ml of the fish extraction and egg white into separate test tubes.
y Add equal volume of sodium hydroxide.
y Add few drops of copper caliphate to it.
Purple color appears in the solution and this confirms the presence of Protein in
food. As Nitrogen is a constituent of Proteins, it is confirmed that the above tissues
contain Nitrogen.
1'5 Water
The highest proportion of the body mass of living organisms is composed of water
which is an inorganic compound. Two third (2/3 rd) of the body weight of most of
organisms is by water. Water is an essential medium for the maintenance of living
matter. The table below, shows the specific properties of water and contribution of
them to the maintenance of life.
Assignment - 1.1
As a group, collect information about specific features of water and functions
to maintain life. Use internet, newspapers and other journals. Present those
information in a creative way to the class.


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